Monday, 5 May 2014

video nasties essay

Film censorship is originated from the fears of audiences and technologies, these fears led to the creation of the BBFC who is a organisation in-charge of censorship and regulation of films. Censorship of film means that either a particular part of a movie would be removed by the BBFC or the film may be so explicit that the entire film itself gets censored to the point were it is not view-able by normal means. This also affected the audiences as the people that for some reason or another would still want to see the censored film would then go through illegal means to view it, such as piracy. The regulation standards are put forward so that only certain people can view or buy movies based on their age. The reason why the BBFC does these things to "protect" the audiences psychological needs. Although they are in-charge of regulation, they have no control over the regulation of VHS tapes, which means that anyone could watch any movie they want without "government supervision".

The video nasties spurred on a "moral panic" which brought about Mary Whitehouse. She brought it on herself while working alongside Margrate Thatcher to be rid of "video nasties". She had an agenda that basically blamed anything that contained violence, gore or is explicit in anyway was used as a scapegoat for the bleak scenario at the time as there was a resection going on at the time. the blame and turmoil toward films like "Evil dead" or "i spit on your grave" were seen as "satanic" by Mary Whitehouse and shunned through the media as she found a lot of supposed reasons to why they should be out right banned. Such as mugging, thefts and murders that were based around ideas from movies that were acted out by audiences.

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