Monday, 9 December 2013

Textual analysis for "Sucker Punch" and "Sket"

From watching both "Sket" and "Sucker Punch", i can gauge some similarities between the ways that women are represented throughout both films, but the purpose for the way they are represented are different. I believe that women in "Sucker Punch" are made to appear masculine for the purpose of visual style, and to make the film more entertaining, although some times contradicting itself with more feminine aspects. Were as "Sket" represents its women as masculine for the purpose of story and character arcs. The films both manage to pull off the masculinising of their female characters by using "Mes En Scene" (specifically the costumes) and cinematography, especially via the method of male gaze.

In the first hyperreality scene scene in sucker "Sucker Punch" were "Baby doll" is put into a oriental japan, and she is forced into a battle against three samurai mechs, it is the first example of visual effects to create a felling of masculinity. This is done by making "Baby doll" appear to have super human strength. Also she wields a samurai sword whilst fighting the mechs, the samurai sword can be seen as a phallic object which is a form of empowerment as well as the guns she uses, also phallic. Although the use of mes en scene and editing have been used to make "Baby doll" appear strong and more masculine, the cinematography still views her through the "male gaze", including allot of low angle shots of her backside, up skirt shots and the camera following her "form". Zack Snyder's use of costume in "Sucker Punch" contradicts their built up masculinity along with the cinematography. This is probably so they can "appear" manly (with their strength) but look feminine to be a more interesting viewing (via costume). However, the scene in "Sket" were Danielle and her crew beat up to guys who are hassling Kay, their masculinity is shown mainly trough the violence they deal out apon the two guys and the way they are dressed wit slick back hair and hoodies. The masculinisaton of the female characters in "Sket" is necessary for the story and how they are suppose to be represented, were as in "Sucker Punch" its purely to make it more interesting.

Not long after Kay meets Danielle and her crew she is put into a initiation to join Danielle's gang, this consists of Kay having to steal money from a near by store. Now, the act of thievery is not usually associated with female characters in movies (especially mainstream films) so having Kay have to steal at this point in the movie starts of the progressive masculinisation of Kay throughout the film, seeing as up to this point she is still seen as quite feminine. Also with the theme of theft is all the "Stolen item scenes" in "Sucker Punch". In this movie, "Baby doll" has to go into this hyperreality state (were most of the masculinisation of the women is shown in this film) whilst a item is stolen in order for them to escape the asylum. Now not only is the theory of theft being more of a masculine scenario still in play here, but also deception. Now the contradiction here is that in order to steal the items "Baby doll" must deceive the target with her dancing to distract them for the theft to be pulled off. So while a masculine act is being committed, a female act has to be done. This isn't the same for "Sket", its a matter of brute force, with no female deception involved.

In all the "Sucker Punch" hyperreality scenes, there is always conflict and violence. Acts of violence are a extremely masculine and are the main way throughout the whole of  "Sucker Punch". But they are completely irrelevant as the story could progress exactly the same, and are deffinetly only used for entertainment purpose. But, never the less, I'm going to compare the "Dragon scene" as it best supports my case. "Baby doll" "Rocket" and "Sweet pea" are seen in this scene fighting waves of orcs in a castle keep, they all use guns to fight which are again phallic objects, and show power and dominance. After fighting all these enemy's, "Baby doll" eventually fights a dragon, after a brief fight she stabs it in the head with her sword. This can be seen as a very masculine action as not only is the sword a phallic object but the final blow is a stab to the head, or penetration, again a masculine or phallic action. There are two main violent scenes in "Sket" but the best example is the last scene at a rave were Kay is Finlay going to get her revenge on the man who killed her sister. She plans to do so in a similar way to the "Dragon kill" from the other "Sucker Punch", as she plans to stab him with a flip knife. Again its a act of penetration and the flip knife is a phallic object. Both these scenes are representing the women as having a object of empowerment to make them appear masculine.

The whole story of "Sket" is driven by Kay wanting to get revenge on the guy who killed her sister. I saw this as either a "Women power" revenge or a "Family" revenge, because in "Sucker Punch" there is a somewhat similar scene were not only is "Sweet pea's" sister killed but also "Amber" and "Blondie". I drew a comparison of revenge, with it being quite a dark scenario i saw it as quite masculine but also as its a form of empowerment and drive. Also i saw a feminine aspect of emotion as when the deaths happen in both films, the protagonists seem to break down, i saw this as a overflow of emotion which is usually associated with women. Also the sudden surplus of violence afterwards that both characters dish out may be like a over compensation for the emotions and trauma that they both went through. Obviously in "Sket" the death in necessary but in "Sucker Punch" they aren't. Its at this point i noticed a pattern occur to do with how unnecessary most aspects of "Sucker Punch" are and how its more for entertainment.

Finally, in both films at the very end, both Kay and "Baby doll" become dependent on men again after all that happened. "Baby doll" ends up in the home of the highroller and after trying to escape him throughout the whole film, she decides to just give herself up and becomes dependent on him. Similarly in "Sket", Kay ends up back under the guise of her farther after Danielle is hospitalised. So after the protagonists are made to have the same power as men at the end of the two films, they have it all taken away and are back under a mans control. I noticed how both films finally end up contradicting themselves by doing this as it was all about man-like power being given to women, only to have it stricken away again. I thought that it was metaphoracal way of saying that "No matter what women do they will always end up under the rule of a man", which is true in this case. These particular scenes seem to show women as subserviant, asthough they are free to dream but they cant escape.

The representation of masculinity in the women of "Sket" and "Sucker Punch" is used for different purpose. In Sucker Punch the women are masculines for visual purposes, as you are meant to feel as if the women are being empowered so that they can conquer all the obstacles that they have to face. This can only be acquired by the characters becoming more masculine, but they are not necessarily for example Gun fights, sword play etc. "Sket" shares a similar concept of women having to be more like men to survive, but it is more for the actual narrative. All the fighting in "Sket" is necessary as the women are supposed to be shown as more powerful than men, but "Sucker Punch" rather than representing the masculinity of women it predominately uses visual style to create a spectacle. Also the films contradict themselves by having women appear masculine, to then either use the "male gaze" or take away all their power completely with no regards for what they have been through prior.


  1. Some good points of comparison linked to a clear and considered thesis statement. Particularly detailed readings into psychoanalysis of phallic symbols.

    Requires greater Micro textual detail to back up your points - particularly in the casting and costume, as well as the use of CGI as you discussed in your presentation.

    To improve: Take screen shots to add images to your report of significant textual details and analyse how they construct the representation of gender points you are comparing. Be careful of being overly descriptive of the narrative as in the penultimate paragraph, with greater Micro detail this should help you avoid this. Are we not encouraged to 'look' at her particularly as she is an exotic dancer? Finally, how are these film affected by the context of their audiences - who are they aimed at and for what purpose?


    Level 3:
    25 marks C2

    There is evidence of a proficient level of application of knowledge and understanding of film language - NEEDS MORE ANALYSIS OF THE MES IN SKET, context - FEMALE STEREOTYPES NOT REFERRED TO, and critical approaches.

    Proficient analysis of chosen texts, mainly analytical with some close referencing - SKET IS LACKING IN ITS ANALYSIS OF HOW IT STARTS & CONCLUDES, WHAT MESSAGES DOES THIS REPRESENTATION OF FEMININITY BRING?

    Proficient application of knowledge and understanding, clear evidence of prior learning which is used to explain features of the chosen texts

    Proficient understanding and application of film language, uses a range of terminology, mainly appropriate and accurate - MALE GAZE AND CAMERA BUT CASTING? LACKING CLOSE TEXTUAL ANALYSIS OF SKET

    Proficient knowledge of critical approaches, clear evidence that different readings have been considered - WHAT DID THE REVIEWS SAY? HOW DID A FEMALE READ THESE FILMS?

    Proficient understanding of contextual issues, demonstrates some insight into how
    some contextual elements contribute towards the construction of texts - WHAT IS YOUR THESIS - DO INDIE UK FILMS OFFER DIFFERENT OR CONFLICTING REPRESENTATIONS? WHY? ZAK SNYDER FILMS TYPICAL?

    Proficient ability to communicate, mainly accurate construction and expression,
    infrequent errors.
